Bamboo Bandit

Mar 16, 20202 min

What is going on?!

It's time for an update on me this time; probably not as interesting as a Mikey update though. Overall it has been a slow couple of months business-wise. I was expecting January to be pretty slow, but I was hoping February would pick up a bit with Valentine's Day. It seems this year people weren't feeling the love! With Spring finally making an appearance I've been getting ready for the craft fair season. I have been looking forward to getting out there and making new connections (and hopefully getting some sales along the way). The last craft fair I went to was really quiet. I think lots of people are already too scared and panicky to go out despite the small events and shops taking plenty of precautions.

Now, like everyone else, I have no idea what's going to happen. With all the craziness surrounding the Corona virus right now it's looking likely that the events I've booked are going to be cancelled. If this happens it's going to leave me (and many others) out-of-pocket or even struggling. If you can, now is a very important time to support independent businesses. If we can't get out and do it in person, then we need to do this online.

Hopefully things will start to get back to normal fairly quickly in terms of travel and trading. All the uncertainty is not helping my anxiety at all. It's especially bad because I was relying on the next few months to pick up sales and now I'm having doubts about whether I can keep this going.

On a more positive note, maybe I will be able to spend some time working on personal projects for a while. I do have a long list of things I'd like to get done just for fun. I should probably also start to work through my list of dog breeds (I always get asked for the breeds I haven't drawn yet). Hopefully the dog shows I've booked to attend will still be going ahead as they're a month or two away. If anybody has any requests they'd like to see me draw (or challenges to set) now is the time! I also need to get through a lot of boring admin and finish sorting through my stuff. There are still hastily packed boxes in the garage I need to investigate.

I'm going to try to get my focus back on each day and not to worry too much about the big picture for a while. This , of course, is much easier said than done but it is certainly worth a try. I struggle so much with being "in the now" that I even have a tattoo to remind myself to take things "one day at time".

I have a feeling that Mikey the boss will have other ideas for me and they will not be likely to include sitting at my desk- particularly if the sun makes an appearance.

#art #artist #virus #pandemic #smallbusiness #worry #anxiety #artforsale
